Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.0-pre
internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim > Member List

This is the complete list of members for internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >, including all inherited members.

dof_offsetsinternal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >
dofsinternal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >
fe_index_is_active(const ::hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int obj_index, const unsigned int fe_index, const unsigned int obj_level) const internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >inline
get_dof_index(const ::hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int obj_index, const unsigned int fe_index, const unsigned int local_index, const unsigned int obj_level) const internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >inline
memory_consumption() const internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >
n_active_fe_indices(const ::hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int obj_index) const internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >inline
nth_active_fe_index(const ::hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int obj_level, const unsigned int obj_index, const unsigned int n) const internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >inline
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >
set_dof_index(const ::hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int obj_index, const unsigned int fe_index, const unsigned int local_index, const types::global_dof_index global_index, const unsigned int obj_level)internal::hp::DoFIndicesOnFacesOrEdges< structdim >inline