Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.0-pre
VectorSlice< VectorType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for VectorSlice< VectorType >, including all inherited members.

begin()VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
begin() const VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
end()VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
end() const VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
lengthVectorSlice< VectorType >private
make_slice(VectorType &v)VectorSlice< VectorType >related
make_slice(VectorType &v, const unsigned int start, const unsigned int length)VectorSlice< VectorType >related
operator ArrayView< const typename VectorType::value_type * >() const VectorSlice< VectorType >
operator ArrayView< typename VectorType::value_type * >()VectorSlice< VectorType >
operator[](unsigned int i)VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
operator[](unsigned int i) const VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
size() const VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
startVectorSlice< VectorType >private
vVectorSlice< VectorType >private
VectorSlice(VectorType &v)VectorSlice< VectorType >inline
VectorSlice(VectorType &v, unsigned int start, unsigned int length)VectorSlice< VectorType >inline