Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.0-pre
IdentityMatrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for IdentityMatrix, including all inherited members.

IdentityMatrix(const size_type n)IdentityMatrixexplicit
m() const IdentityMatrix
n() const IdentityMatrix
reinit(const size_type n)IdentityMatrix
size_type typedefIdentityMatrix
Tvmult(OutVectorType &out, const InVectorType &in) const IdentityMatrix
Tvmult_add(OutVectorType &out, const InVectorType &in) const IdentityMatrix
vmult(OutVectorType &out, const InVectorType &in) const IdentityMatrix
vmult_add(OutVectorType &out, const InVectorType &in) const IdentityMatrix