Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.0-pre
BlockVectorBase< VectorType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BlockVectorBase< VectorType >, including all inherited members.

::internal::BlockVectorIterators::Iterator classBlockVectorBase< VectorType >friend
add(const std::vector< size_type > &indices, const std::vector< Number > &values)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add(const std::vector< size_type > &indices, const Vector< Number > &values)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add(const size_type n_elements, const size_type *indices, const Number *values)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add(const value_type s)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add(const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add(const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V, const value_type b, const BlockVectorBase &W)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
add_and_dot(const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V, const BlockVectorBase &W)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
all_zero() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
begin()BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
begin() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
block(const unsigned int i)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
block(const unsigned int i) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
block_indicesBlockVectorBase< VectorType >protected
BlockType typedefBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
BlockVectorBase()=defaultBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
BlockVectorBase(const BlockVectorBase &)=defaultBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
BlockVectorBase(BlockVectorBase &&) noexcept=defaultBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
collect_sizes()BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
componentsBlockVectorBase< VectorType >protected
compress(::VectorOperation::values operation)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
end()BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
end() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
equ(const value_type a, const BlockVector2 &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
equ(const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V, const value_type b, const BlockVectorBase &W)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
ExcInUse(int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)Subscriptorstatic
ExcNoSubscriber(std::string arg1, std::string arg2)Subscriptorstatic
extract_subvector_to(const std::vector< size_type > &indices, std::vector< OtherNumber > &values) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
extract_subvector_to(ForwardIterator indices_begin, const ForwardIterator indices_end, OutputIterator values_begin) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
get_block_indices() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
in_local_range(const size_type global_index) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
is_non_negative() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
l1_norm() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
l2_norm() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
linfty_norm() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
list_subscribers(StreamType &stream) const Subscriptorinline
list_subscribers() const Subscriptor
locally_owned_elements() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
mean_value() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
memory_consumption() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
n_blocks() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
n_subscriptions() const Subscriptor
norm_sqr() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator()(const size_type i) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator()(const size_type i)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator*(const BlockVectorBase &V) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator*=(const value_type factor)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator+=(const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator-=(const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator/=(const value_type factor)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator=(const value_type s)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator=(const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator=(BlockVectorBase &&)=defaultBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator=(const BlockVectorBase< VectorType2 > &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator=(const VectorType &v)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
Subscriptor::operator=(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptor
Subscriptor::operator=(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
operator==(const BlockVectorBase< VectorType2 > &v) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator[](const size_type i) const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
operator[](const size_type i)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
real_type typedefBlockVectorBase< VectorType >
sadd(const value_type s, const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
sadd(const value_type s, const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
sadd(const value_type s, const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V, const value_type b, const BlockVectorBase &W)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
sadd(const value_type s, const value_type a, const BlockVectorBase &V, const value_type b, const BlockVectorBase &W, const value_type c, const BlockVectorBase &X)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
scale(const BlockVector2 &v)BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)Subscriptorinline
size() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >
subscribe(const char *identifier=nullptr) const Subscriptor
Subscriptor(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptor
Subscriptor(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
unsubscribe(const char *identifier=nullptr) const Subscriptor
update_ghost_values() const BlockVectorBase< VectorType >